The FDRE Public Procurement and Property Authority

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Detail Tender Information

Bid No. [ ET-FTA-73714-CS-QCBS ]
Procurement Type Consultancy Services
Fiscal Year 2018
Bid Description

The Federal Transport Authority now invites eligible consulting firms (“Consultants”) to indicate their interest in providing the services. Interested consultants should provide information demonstrating that they have the required qualifications and relevant experience to perform the Services.

The consulting services (“the Services”) broadly include:

  1. Review of the current driver training and testing rules, legal framework, standard and curricula, identify gaps vis a- vis international standards and propose recommendations for improvement.
  2. Review and improve in line with international standards:

2.1.   the Driver training system

2.2.   the Driver testing system.

2.3.   the driving instructor and examiner certification process.

  1. Develop training of trainers (TOT) Training for driver instructor and examiner.
  2. Evaluate and make a recommendation on the federal and regional institutional framework that will regulate the driver training & testing system.
  3. Develop an implementation model / arrangement for the new proposed standard curricula.
  4. Propose a quality assurance system for driver’s training and testing system for the successful implementation of the proposed curricula.
  5. Workshop and consultations.
Bid Attachment


Mode of procurement ICB
Bid Closing Date 12/11/2018
Bid Closing Time 03:00 PM
Expected Award Date01/01/2019
Extended To
Reason for extension