The FDRE Public Procurement and Property Authority

በኢፌዲሪ የመንግስት ግዥና ንብረት ባለስልጣን

For all Federal budgetary Organizations,Do you know this?

What is budget?

  1. An estimate, often itemized, of expected income and expense for a given period in the future.
  2. A plan of operations based on such an estimate.
  3. An itemized allotment of funds, time, etc., for a given period.
  4. The total sum of money set aside or needed for a purpose: the construction budget.
  5. A limited stock or supply of something: his budget of goodwill.
  6. Obsolete. A small bag;From

With this in mind:-

1. Public bodies shall have to prepare an annual procurement plan showing their procurement for the concerned budget

Year and containing such details as are stated in the directive to be issued by the Minister.

2. The Procurement Plan to be prepared by the Public bodies shall have to be approved by the head of the public body

Concerned and communicated to the relevant departments of the public body and the Federal Public Procurement and Property Administration Agency until Hamle 30 of the Ethiopian Calendar.

Public relations and communication directorate ( PPA )