The FDRE Public Procurement and Property Authority

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Detail Tender Information

Bid No. [ ICB/AASTU/PRO/02/2018 ]
Procurement Type Works
Fiscal Year 2018
Bid Description

Addis Ababa Science and Technology University now invites sealed bids from eligible and qualified bidders for furnishing the necessary material, labor and equipment for the construction and completion of the following Construction projects;
Lot 1: Construction of Research and Technology Center (Re-bid)
Lot 2: Construction of Research and Technology Center (Re-bid)
Lot 3: Construction of Administration Building
Lot 4: Construction of Commercial Complex Building
Lot 5: Construction of Auditorium Building
Lot 6: Construction of Guest House Building

Bid Attachment

Invitation to Bid LOT 1- 6.pdf

Mode of procurement ICB
Bid Closing Date 13/03/2018
Bid Closing Time 2:00 PM
Expected Award Date22/05/2018
Extended To
Reason for extension